Monday, December 15, 2008

Mike's new sculpting studio

Mike has an official, professional sculpting studio now. The Jesus and the sacred heart Mary are his latest works. The studio has Italian plaster casts left by the last occupant. One picture shows the crane system that can lift 5 ton pieces of granite. It even has its own bathroom.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Athens Holiday Market

This is an annual market held on the outdoor patio at Big City Bread in Athens, GA. It's always a lovely sight with lots of children and dogs and fires and lights and beautiful art.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

OCAF Holiday Market, Dec. 6th and 7th

The OCAF Holiday Market is always fun to do. Above are pics of: two large stone bowls by Russell Everett, 2) my booth, 3) one of Barbara Odil's primal spirits, 4) fun mugs by Mark Williams,, 5) Peter Loose, folk-artist extraordinaire,, and 6) Kathleen, the happy raffle ticket saleswoman.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Our newest things

These are pics of Mike's latest sculpture. I think she's amazing. You can see more photos of my ostrich egg at

Monday, November 17, 2008

Field of Greens

Saturday, Nov. 15th, I was at the "Field of Greens" celebration. It promotes local organic produce and had greens, baked goods, honey, organic nuts, etc. It was a very blustery, chilly day and the vendors had a tough time keeping their tents upright. I got a laugh out of the goat (above) who seemed to exemplify "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence".

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Madison County Artist Market

Saturday, November 8th, I did the Madison County Artist Market held in the old Madison County courthouse. Here's a look at the courthouse and my display.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

This weekend

Hey, Everybody,
This Saturday, Nov. 1st, Mike will have sculpture on the square in Elberton, GA.

I will be at All Saints Episcopal on West Peachtree Saturday and Sunday with my pysanky and pysanky jewelry. Nov. 8th I'll have my things in Danielsvill, GA at the Madison County Artist Market.

It's getting cold here. I dug up two of our pepper plants and brought them in to try and get them to survive the winter. Outside we have arugula, lettuce, radishes, mustard greens, mint, collards and more. Happy Fall.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Granite Jesus

Mike's wanting to start making Victorian-style cemetery monuments. For years, he and I have liked going to cemeteries and looking at sculpture. The modern markers lack a certain soul that the old ones have. Here is a granite Jesus he's working on. When he finishes this one, he's going to carve an angel.

If you'd like Mike to carve a monument for you or a loved one, you can contact him at

Saturday, October 18, 2008

"Hauntings" opening

I performed tonight at the opening of the "Hauntings" exhibit at Blue Bell Gallery in Comer, GA. Here are a couple pics.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Candler Park Fall Fest

Mike did the Candler Park Fall Fest this weekend. It was lots of fun and very successful. Here are some pics. A friend brought his 2yr old by to visit and we had a lot of fun. The colorful band playing is the famous Atlanta band, Kelly's Seed and Feed Marching Abominables.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Yay, Tramfair!

TramFair was great. We both sold a ton of stuff. Mike has Candler Park next week, so is busily making new stuff as I type this. I put my "etsy stuff" aside and don't bring it to shows, so I still have my etsy items. I, too, am working on new ornaments, new pins and new earrings.

Monday, September 29, 2008


ooops. It's been a long time since I've posted anything. Our son got back and is doing great at UGA. Mike and I are both getting ready for the holiday show season. We're making lots of art.

We'll be at TRAM Fair (Traveler's Rest, South Carolina) this coming weekend...Saturday, October 4th, 10:00 to 6:00.

October 10th and 11th Mike will be at the Candler Park Fall Fest, Atlanta, GA

We've got more shows coming. I'll post about them later.